Past sampling of surficial occurrences across the license area has produced hundreds of anomalous Au results from single ppm levels to 10’s and greater ppm, and these occurrences suggest widespread Au mineralization across the entire license area.
Diamond drilling in 2004 by EAPG, and limited follow up drilling by the Linear/Stockport JV under artisanal workings on the 214 license as well as the 258 license produced multiple high grade intercepts in underlying quartz vein systems, and breccia zones in sheared volcanics. Most of the drilling in both areas was wide spaced, with no follow up drilling along strike or down dip, and many intercepts remain open for expansion. Additionally, numerous anomalous surface samples remain untested in the drilled areas and across the entire license area
In addition to drilling and surface sampling, previous operators have completed ground and airborne geophysical surveys over significant portions of the license area. Induced polarization, resistivity, and magnetics have been completed over prospective lithologies and structural trends, as well as areas of artisanal workings and anomalous surface samples.